hello world
hello world.
This is my latest attempt to write consistently. The plan is just to write about whatever is top of mind. I expect most of it to be crypto related. It will be spicy at times. Some of it will be very boring.
The goal is to publish each weekday morning. There is no RSS nor email. If you want to engage, visit the site. Maybe in the future, I’ll consider changing things.
I will publish often without doing edits or proofreading. Feel free to reach out if you see spelling or grammatical errors, inaccuracies, or just blatant mistakes.
I’m only say this once, but everything written here is solely my own opinion and does not express the opinion of my employer. Nothing should be taken as tax, legal, financial, or life advice.
If there’s a specific topic you want me to write about or opine on, please reach out.